Years and years ago when my son Hamish was 1 year old and just starting out with swimming lessons. He really, really didn’t want to get into the water in the lesson pool. 

So, I did what all smart parents do…and I bribed him. I promised him one of the smiley face cookies from the cafe if he did the lesson.

He thought about it for a minute and then turned to me and said, ‘two biscuits’. And then promptly got into the water and did his lesson.

The irony of course is, this kid is now a national swimmer who competes at the Australian championships. So, the “return on investment” of those two biscuits paid off handsomely!

It’s the same in business: you need to consider what outcome you are optimising for. 

Are you optimising for return on ad spend? Or for long-term profitable growth? 

They don’t actually mean the same thing. You may think that a high ROAS, by definition, equals profitable revenue, but that’s actually false. 

This is critically important to understand if you want to grow, so let’s unpack the issue and I’ll explain what you should be doing instead.

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