For my last pre-Christmas podcast episode, I thought I’d share a few insights with you about what’s worked well for me this year, some things I’ve tried that have not worked so well, what I’m focusing on doing better and what I want to take with me into 2025.

I love doing this exercise at the end of the year, especially before heading into my big annual planning session, and I always like to do this before Christmas so that I can actually relax and enjoy my holiday without the constant thoughts about business looping around in my brain! 

I reckon this year has been a really tough year for probably everyone in business. With a dampened economy as well as an accelerating pace of technological change both compounding to create a whole lot of new challenges and hurdles, it’s been a year of constant pivots and needing to try new things in order to survive and thrive. And I’ll let you know up front, not everything I tried this year worked out, so if you’re in the same boat I want you to know this is normal for all entrepreneurs! 

On the personal side this year has been pretty full on for me as well, which is no doubt also a common experience for all of you. So in addition to sharing my takeaways about business with you, I’ll also share some things I’ve done to help maintain my energy levels and motivation throughout the year.

Links mentioned in this episode:

If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together. 

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