The holiday season is peak sales time for most eCommerce retailers. So, have you started thinking about how your social media advertising is going to lead you through this peak season?

I’ve literally just been sitting here going through the campaign strategy and detailed budget planning for our clients. Literally working out down to the dollar, how much revenue should come from paid vs organic channels, how much from new vs returning customers, and how much each client can afford to spend on ads to get each purchase conversion, based on their average order value and cost of goods. 

All those numbers will mean diddly squat, though, without nailing the creative strategy and the offer. Because these are the two elements that actually stop the scroll and help get the click in the first place!

So, if you’re not already running paid social ads right now, OR you are but you’re spending too much and not making a profit, then this episode is for you. 

Episode’s Show Notes:

Links mentioned in this episode:

If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.


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