Did you know – if you offer a 10% discount, you literally need to sell 25% MORE to make the SAME profit?

Right now, I’m seeing a LOT of brands sending out constant discounts.

Some who are sending big discounts on brand new products they haven’t even launched yet! And up to 80% off for end of season sales! 

These brands are NOT making money.  

And by continuing to discount constantly like that, they are only digging themselves deeper and deeper into that hole.

The reality is, consumers are more concerned about VALUE rather than DISCOUNTS.

So in part 2 of this series, I want to share my insights and most effective strategies for doing just that, so that you can generate the best, most profitable results from your email marketing efforts.

Links mentioned in this episode:

If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.


Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk 

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