social media marketing

  • How To Use Storytelling In Marketing To Sell More Online

    The last time I went to my husband’s work Christmas party. I was sick as a dog at the time, but I put on my big girl panties (along with a tonne of under-eye concealer and my biggest smile!) and went along like the good wifey I (sometimes) am. And I got stuck at the […]

  • How To Run A Successful Social Media Competition

    Have you ever run a social media competition? Or wanted to? If so — did you do it to gain more followers or page likes? Or did you do it to sell more product in your online store? (I certainly hope you followed the terms and conditions for running competitions on Instagram and Facebook…) In […]

  • The Most Important (Often Forgotten!) Step In Your Facebook Ad Campaign

    Paid advertising can be absolute gold for driving traffic and sales in your online store. Once you nail the Facebook Ad Campaign that works for your target customer, you almost have traffic and sales on tap! You can convert new and repeat customers and transform them into raving fans that spread the good word about your […]