Business Planning

  • How to write a simple business plan

    How to write a simple business plan

    & make the next 12 months your best year yet! Here’s the thing: If we don’t set the course for our business (or ourselves personally) by documenting a business plan, we’ll end up meandering all over the place and operating in a very reactive manner. As the Cheshire Cat said to Alice in Wonderland, if […]

  • When the going gets tough, here’s how to get to the other side

    When Shit happens in business, here's what to do next

    “Running a business is easy”, said no business owner, ever! Especially on the days when what usually works, suddenly stops working… (Here’s looking at you Facebook ads and your constant changing of things…) During tough times in business, it feels like there’s not a lot to show for all that hard work…. Despite the fact […]

  • How to know what to focus on

    To make this year your most successful in business yet Do you like to start the new year by setting some goals and creating a business plan? Typically when I speak to business owners, their goal is usually something like this: “Increase sales by 20%” And then they continue working on the same kinds of […]

  • How to know what to do at each stage of your business’ growth

    My 4 takeaways from a world-class marketing conference (plus a bonus 5th one) I think one of the hardest things in business, is knowing what to do next. How to plan effectively for business growth. What do you do to start your business? What do you do to scale from there? I tell you what […]