It’s an exciting time for eCommerce and marketing right now. 

More than ever we have the potential to reach our customers on so many channels, whether it be via our website, a Facebook Live, an Instagram Reel, paid advertising, Google searches, an Email newsletter or an SMS or a messenger bot…

Exciting, but overwhelming right!?

How do we possibly keep up with creating content for our customers on every potential outlet? And how do we implement it all with the little time we already have?

And do we even need to everywhere? “Why can’t I just reach my customers on Instagram?”

In this Masterclass episode, I am going to walk you through why only focusing your attention and effort on one point of marketing no longer works and why you need to be seen by your customers in a number of ways to earn their trust and money.

I also share how you can increase your brand awareness and share your message seamlessly across all channels – easily and without the stress!  

Listen as I share this masterclass on how to be where your customers are, without the overwhelm!

Listen now.

Next, be sure to head to our Rockstar Productpreneur community to ask your #askcatherine questions! I can’t wait to hear them.

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Links mentioned in this episode:

Discover if our Productpreneur Marketing team can help you reach your goals

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