Well, hello there, it’s Catherine Langman here. Welcome back for another episode of the Productpreneur Success podcast. Now, I’m sure that you’d all agree, two of the toughest things that you really have to do within a product based business would have to be growing your sales and also managing cash flow. Two of the best most reliable ways that I’ve used to bring in sales fast when you need the cash for cash flow, as well as obviously achieving the goal of sales growth, running a product launch, and also promotional campaigns. But there are a number of essential ingredients that produce a successful product launch or promotional campaign result.
Make no mistake, winging it will never give you as good results. As they say, if you fail to plan you plan to fail. So, would you like to hear about a successful product launch strategy that addresses both of these issues at once. On today’s episode, I’m going to be sharing with you my seven essential components of a successful product launch or promotional campaign. I’m also going to walk you through a very specific pre order launch strategy that I’ve used many times over. It’s also helped many of my clients to fund things like their production bills and shipping in custom bills which are pretty huge. Especially if you’re making your own stock but also if you are a retailer and you’re buying product in bulk. Funding those sorts of big bills by selling stock in advance.
Let’s crack on with it and go through seven steps to a successful product launch. First things first, ground rules. Before you even think about launching your brand or your new product or running a promotional campaign, there are a few things that you really need to consider first. I always encourage people to turn your mind back to why did you start your business in the first place and making sure that everything that you do you want to keep it on point. Especially if you’re rolling out any sort of major campaigns or product launches or anything like that. You want to make sure that you are keeping your business moving towards your vision and you’re staying true to what you decided to set out doing in the first place.
Why did you start your business? Is it to inspire people in some way, will using or consuming your product help people to become healthier or to save money or change their habits or take some positive action or just to feel better about themselves or to create beautiful environment for themselves, whatever the case may be for you. You want to always keep this in mind for yourself and bear in mind that people just don’t actually get excited or obsessed about products.
If people don’t get excited about products and you want to sell a lot of products, then what can you do about it? Here’s where success happens when preparation meets opportunity. Let’s assume for the sake of argument that you’re launching a new product because you’ve seen a gap in the market, some sort of an opportunity. We then need to focus on the second ingredient in our recipe for a successful launch which is preparation. We already know that companies that plan grow 30% quicker than those that don’t. But if you’ve ever been responsible for planning, then you already know that plans take time to make and to get things really organized and get all of your T’s crossed and your I’s dotted.
With so many new products launching around the world every day, many entrepreneurs feel like if they don’t act immediately, then they’re going to be left behind. The other thing that I see in my business all the time is that business owners who feel like they need to incorporate absolutely every single possible promotional activity and every single possible channel available in order to have success, maybe because that’s what they see other people doing or for whatever reason. Then they feel really overwhelmed because it’s all too much and they don’t know where to start.
I want you to take time to launch your product or to plan your promotional campaign the right way. When you’re planning a product launch or a promotional campaign, it is really vital that your promotion strategy actually begins before the product is released or before the promotion is released and continues not just until the end of the launch period, but right through to getting your early adopters or your first customers using your product successfully. Even going through a bit of a deep dive after the campaign just to really analyze how you went with what you did.
As the saying goes, there’s always more than one way to skin a cat. When you have your end goal in mind, you can then choose your tactics and the marketing channels. Basically what I mean when I say that is you’re going to be using social media, which social media channels? Paid advertising, just free content. Are you going to be collaborating with someone else, working with influencers? TV advertising, email marketing, there’s all different kinds of channels that you can use to communicate a message. What tactics and channels are you going to use that will have the biggest impact on achieving your goal but you also have the resources and skills available to execute them?
I’m going to talk today about tips on what to do but make sure you also plan out how to do it, as in how you execute these ideas. Don’t forget oh well, I will let you know now that if you head over to the show notes for this episode, there will be a downloadable product launch and promotional campaign guide and planning template. You can go and grab that for free and that might help you when you are planning your own campaigns out. Okay, the first step here that we need to consider is putting the focus on the people not the product. In the past, traditional marketing advice was often to describe a product’s features and benefits. In this way, we would tell customers what our product is, what it does, and why they should buy it.
The big problem with this is that customers don’t tend to buy something because of what it is and what it does. In fact, this tactic generally has zero value with your customers. They really don’t care if you sell your widget, they care about their own problem or the need or the desire that they want to resolve. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the phrase possession is nine tenths of the law. In my world of marketing and selling online, I reckon perception is nine tenths of reality. To that end, I talk a lot with my clients about story telling.
I do that for a really important reason because it’s through stories and telling stories that our audience or our customers can relate to our brand and to our products. We want to make sure that we’re writing and creating marketing content in order to capture people’s attention and telling stories that capture people’s imagination and help customers to see themselves in that story and they can imagine themselves experiencing the outcome that you’re telling in the story. That’s what people can tangibly hang on to. I guess the other thing here is that because people are buying through emotion, or we tend to make purchase decisions based on emotion as opposed to logic. We justify our purchase decisions based on logic, but we tend to make purchase decisions based on emotion. Storytelling can really help elicit those emotions and really engage with people on that sort of emotional plain.
The more accurately in your marketing that you can describe whatever the problem need or desire is of the person that you’re selling to, if you can speak to them and I’m talking about speaking as in maybe in the written word but also in your visual images and video content and all of that kind of stuff. If you can speak to them in this way, that reflects their current emotional state and be able to really describe exactly what they’re experiencing right now, as well as articulate what the benefits and the outcomes are that they enjoy, then the more automatically they’re going to believe that you have the right thing for them. Obviously that’s your product, right?
You want to try and impart all of this information through telling stories and real stories works best. Either from your past customers or from your own experience. Past customers obviously you can do things that are like case studies or feature stories, but you can also tap into customer reviews and testimonials and that sort of thing. This sort of tactic, the storytelling and sharing customer experiences was hugely important to me in my business because the product was quite niche. It had a fairly high psychological barrier to entry because we were selling cloth nappies or diapers which had a bit of a hard work and yuck factor reaction for many young adults.
But once we got people over the line to try the products, they tended to fall in love with them. The storytelling was really crucial to our success. It was essential that we really presented and showed regular parents and real people using the products in order to normalize the product as much as possible. In fact, our whole tagline was life happens in cushie tushies and I used to have an unofficial slightly less respectable tag line. Shit happens in cushie tushies because it literally did. They wore nappies, diapers. Anyway, we represented this tagline through all of the images that we created and had shop for us.
Babies and toddlers in highly relatable situations. I don’t know if you have kids, but I do. When they were little they were always getting into mischief and you’d find crayon drawings on the wall and food all over the place. They’re just exploring and having fun, right? Anyway, this made the brand and the product a whole lot more accessible to new parents and really helped to give them a bit of confidence and removed much of that perceived risk around trying a product like that.
All right, step two is to get opinion leaders on board easily… Early rather. I’m going to say something here that might be a little bit shocking in the world of online marketing. That is that content is not king anymore. Now I’m pretty sure it was Bill Gates who coined the phrase content is king probably a couple of decades ago now. But in these days, we live in a very noisy world of total information overload. Quality content alone is not enough. Now, if we want to cut through the noise, so to speak, to try and connect and engage with our audience in the digital medium, then you really need to have a thing I like to call resonance.
Like I said before, people don’t buy products based on the logical features and benefits or anything like that. They buy a solution to their need want or desire. They buy because of their own why. By the same token, they are attracted to industry experts and opinion leaders and influencers if you want to use that term who share that same why. These might be media sites or individual bloggers, Instagrammers, specialists retailers in your industry. Could be all sorts of different people or organizations. The idea here is that you try and identify which experts and opinion leaders your audience follows. If you can do that, then you might be in a position to leverage the attention that those experts enjoy and the influence that they wield over your audience.
This can even work by connecting with other brands or retailers who also have really engaged audiences and they’re complementary products to yours but you’re not competitors with each other. You can do this in that sort of same situation. You might collaborate with an influencer for instance. By approaching these experts in advance with maybe some great content or some free products to sample, maybe even some products to give away or really great offer that they can sell to their audience or some sort of an affiliate kickback, you can generally expand your media coverage and generate a lot more publicity around your products or your promotional campaign.
You also can enjoy an expanded or increased audience size for yourself because you’re being introduced to all of these people. These people might not have heard of you or crossed paths with your brand before but they’re sure as heck going to pay attention to their favorite blogger or Instagrammer or whoever this expertise that you’re collaborating with. The best thing about doing this sort of a strategy is that having that warm introduction by someone they trust, it generally establishes trust with your brand or your retail store a lot faster because they’ve been referred to you by somebody they know.
It’s a really, really awesome tip to try and build this one into your campaigns. Step number three, I like to call this being revolutionary or at the very least, trying to make sure that your brand stands for something a little bit meaningful. Like we’ve already said, people don’t get obsessed with products or widgets, the actual thing. The reality is people really couldn’t give a stuff about that thing that you sell, the widget. You need to give people a reason to care. If you can do that, then they’re not only going to take notice more quickly and in a more engaged manner, but they’re also going to be more motivated to join in as well.
If you are able… I’m not necessarily talking about full on cause marketing here or anything like that, but we can’t all be a who gives a crap sort of business, like a donating percentages of products or one for one, you buy one we donate one sort of thing. I know we can’t all do that but if you can, fabulous, but if you can’t then at least try and articulate what your brand values are. If you can do that and in a way that paints a picture of a future world or a better society or a lifestyle that inspires some sort of passion or engagement. If you can authentically communicate that then you definitely will create true obsession and generate the desire and enthusiasm and momentum amongst your audience.
This really does only work if it is authentic to you. You can’t just make up brand values because you think it sounds good. It needs to be something you do truly believe in. If you can do that, and you can communicate your values and your vision for your business and for the impact that you want to have in the world and amongst your audience, then that passion for your vision is what’s going to resonate most with with your people. In my last business, I had a couple of catchphrases that I used in my promotions. Things such as, will you join the cloth nappy revolution, and, the future is in your hands.
We were really… It was very important to us to try and help make improvements to the environment that we all live in through reducing waste. There’s a lot of waste out there with nappies and diapers that just do not break down and compost in landfill and it’s really bad for the environment. That was our reason for being but there are some other well known businesses that stand for something as well. I mean, there’s loads. I’m only going to mention a couple here. Bird’s Nest is on. That’s an online clothing retailer. They do have a brick and mortar store as well but they’re largely online.
They are in the fashion industry which doesn’t necessarily have the best reputation historically around sustainability or body image or anything like that. But anyway, their reason for being is to promote healthy body image for women of all shapes and sizes, which I can definitely buy into that notion. Another example is the brand, Thank You, who donate 100% of their profits towards ending poverty. Another one who’s founder I’ve met several times in the past is called [inaudible 00:17:41] Kids. Their mission is to nurture healthy Kids and a healthy world and they actually donate… I think on their website they might have some sort of tracker on their website where they tell you how many meals that they’ve donated to kids in need.
They’re really inspiring customers to be part of that vision and that of course inspires people to make a purchase decision as well. That’s good for your bottom line. Fourth step in our successful product launch and promotional campaign outline is to turn your product launch into an event even if the event is just online. Because certainly we are not doing big in person events right now. As I record this, as many people around the world are still in lockdown with the lovely coronavirus pandemic. Just because you do sell online, certainly doesn’t mean that you can’t make a big song and dance about your launch or your campaign.
I would say that you really should be using any opportunity possible to make as big a song and dance about things as you can. Because it’s news for your business and it’s an opportunity to engage with your audience and invite people to place a purchase. I tell you what, there are some brands out there that do this really, really well. One that I want to specifically mention here is a client and friend of mine, Vicki from Bubble Bubs who has been on this podcast in the past and I might link to her episode in the show notes because it is a worthwhile listen.
Earlier this year, she was scheduled to show at a expo, an in person expo and then that was of course canceled thanks to all of the lockdown stuff happening. She decided to pivot and turn that expo into a Facebook Live event. They literally ran quite long Facebook Live demonstrations and they really turned it into a three day event. They had… Not three days back to back the whole day, I think it was maybe an hour a day for three days or possibly even a little bit longer. I’m not sure. Lots of stuff happening with the Facebook live videos. Taking a lot of questions and answering them live.
They were promoting some show specials that they would have been selling at the event in person, but obviously they couldn’t do that. They were promoting those during this live event. They also have a Facebook group so that was very active as well. It was a hugely, hugely successful event. You don’t have to go all out like that and do something like a an expo stand live, but you could certainly create a live event that you would run in a similar way, maybe just one standalone session. Where you can demonstrate the products and you can take questions, you can walk people through maybe how to use products, how to get particular end result and then make an offer for people to buy and give people some sort of an incentive to buy live at the event, so to speak.
If you’ve got any kind of product where people like to see how it works, and ask questions about how it works, aroma therapy, or makeup, or skincare, or my client Bird On The Hill with her milk paint their customers are really, really into up scaling furniture. That’s definitely a learned skill as well. Any products that are really difficult to describe or show clearly in photographs or anything where people really need to see it and see how it works in order to understand how they might use it. The cloth nappies or diapers that certainly works well in that regard.
Any kind of engaging presentation where you can educate people and show them how your products work, and give you the opportunity to make some sort of a special offer for those watching live can work really, really, really well. All right, step five is to draw out the suspense as long as you can. When I say as long as you can, certainly don’t go for months or anything like that, but in the lead up to any sort of launch campaign or promotional campaign, you want to hint at what’s new and coming up. You can use social media and email marketing. Both work really, really well to tease your audience with those sorts of tidbits so you can tantalize with behind the scenes photos of the product being manufactured or of an identified segment of a new product or of the new range in transit.
I saw a great example the other day. One of our past clients is Active Truth, Active Wear. I’m pretty sure I’m wearing one of their outfits right now as I record this, but they are working with a beautiful original artist and they had a little short video clip just showing the artists at work and she’s painting the pattern that will become the new fabric print. I thought what a fabulous way to tease and start building some suspense for this new product launch? Fantastic. If you can build the excitement along the way, maybe have a photo shoot, you can snap some behind the scenes photo to show to your fans. Those sorts of teasing, sort of suspense building photos, they don’t have to be pro shots whatsoever. You just do them yourself on your phone.
Post those sorts of images to your social media channels in the days and the weeks leading up to your launch so that by the time you actually do launch, people are going to be champing at the bit to get their hands on them. All right, number six is to release a product that your customers really want to show off then don’t just leave it like that or leave it at that, you want to actively encourage your customers to engage and interact with you on social media and on email as well and on your website. A few different ways that you can really encourage that sort of engagement would be in the lead up when you’re starting to release some photos, you could run a competition or a giveaway to giveaway one of the new products as the prize.
I’m going to talk about that a little bit more as part of the pre order strategy as well, pre order launch strategy. In terms of building up a lot of buzz and excitement and really getting people excited and emotionally engaged like emotionally they already own this thing, then running a giveaway competition for a new product that’s pure gold. Another thing that we did in the past, and I’ve seen a few people do this successfully recently as well is run a naming competition.
Get your customers involved to give the new product, print or design a fun name. I like to do this as well. Not only is it a fabulous engagement opportunity with your audience, but after a while, I used to just get so… I couldn’t think up new names. It was great to get other people involved in helping out with that. Then after people start buying this stuff, in your post purchase communications, you can invite customers to show off their new purchases on social media. Maybe you entice them to share with some sort of… Again, it could be some sort of an incentive to get people to share that stuff. Whether it’s some sort of points if you have a loyalty point program or a little bit of a… It could be a monthly draw or a small voucher, whatever you want to do.
The more people that you can get… You just want to see your stuff all over social media. You want it to be flooded with your stuff. It is worth… If it is a really big launch or a really big campaign, it is worth incentivizing people a little bit to start jumping on and sharing their pictures as well and sharing how much they love the thing. Number seven in our seven steps to a successful product launch is to take pre orders. Of course I’m going to go dive into this in a lot more detail and really go through it in step by step for you. But after you’ve finished your big tease, and you’ve done your big reveal, ideally you have people clamoring for your stuff.
If you are in the position like I often was as a brand owner and manufacturer, you might have some pretty big bills that you need to pay for your stock and your shipping and customs and stuff. This is a great time to take advantage of all the anticipation and excitement by offering a special pre order deal. This can be a really fantastic way of keeping cash flow under control and paying for production and shipping bills as I hinted. However, if you do take pre orders, you definitely want to make sure that your delivery date is locked in stone. You don’t want to make your customers wait for months whilst the factory gets their selves together if you don’t have some sort of a locked in delivery date.
I want to go through the pre order launch strategy in detail. It is something that you can implement in your own business. I mean this is something that I was doing, not just as a new business, I was doing it ongoing as well because it was such a great way to get big hits of cash but also to really build that excitement and build your audience and really get people involved. I think it’s a fantastic strategy to use. In detail, let’s go through the pre order launch strategy.
The first thing you want to think about is your pre order sales target. How much revenue do you need to make from this product launch or do you want to make? You want to be pretty specific with your revenue goal setting on this one so that you can measure your success later. The next thing that you need to do is decide on your irresistible offer. If you’re going to ask people to wait to receive their order, which by definition is what happens in a pre order situation, then you really do need to have some sort of an offer to incentivize customers to order and wait.
The next step is to work out, do you want just one irresistible offer or a selection of offers. If you’re going to go with this selection, try not to have a lot. Try and limit the number of different offers to three choices maximum because too many choices has been proven to reduce conversion rates because it becomes just too hard for people to make a decision if there’s too many variables to choose between. Things like discounted bundles, free express shipping, free gifts with purchase, those sorts of things do quite well, do really well or combinations of those things.
You can definitely do a flat rate discount but I personally try to avoid doing that myself because it is a little… I don’t know. Again it just discounts your brand a little bit. I prefer to offer value add type things which is where the bundles come in nicely. Then once you’ve decided what your offers will be, how many do you need to sell? This is important. You really want to spend a minute or two collating how many of these offers that you need to sell in order to achieve your sales target. Next step, production timeline. This step should probably go without saying but let’s just add it in here anyway because I know that many of you are manufacturing offshore or you’re distributors who are importing from overseas. Even the retailer’s amongst my client base, they’re still sort of at the mercy of other people’s production timelines.
It is a consideration that we all need to put some thought into. I don’t think I’ve seen a single production run or import order go smoothly without any kind of hiccup or delay along the way. You really do want to make sure that you stay on top of this process, staying in regular communication with your factory or your agent or your supplier. You want to timeline each step of the production or sourcing process from… If you’re doing the whole production process, from sourcing fabrics to producing and approving prototypes. From quality checking the production round and getting final samples and managing the delivery et cetera.
All right, the next step is our launch theme. This is actually probably my favorite part of the whole promotional process. I think it’s something that a lot of people forget about. Before we get down to the nitty gritty tactics of executing your product launch, before you start thinking about whether you’re going to be doing email marketing or Facebook advertising or working influences or whatever you think you’re going to do with your marketing. Before you get to that you need to think about the bigger picture and what will be the theme of your launch promotion.
Because theming your promotion will enable you to create continuity between each component of your marketing and also theming grabs your audience’s attention. It gives them something to grab hold on. Keeps their interest level high. I guess when we’re talking about themes, this is where you can build the storytelling in and storytelling through the images or through video or through your text, the copywriting. What do I mean by theming? Let me give you some examples. If you’ve ever heard of black milk leggings, they are really well known for their pretty out there launch themes and I would recommend anyone who really wants to do well with selling physical products online go and sign up to their email list and really watch what they do because they are very good at it.
An example from my own business, I’ve done themes like candy cane or gingerbread men, themes for Christmas. I’ve done a variety of others as well but those were probably the funnest if I can put it like that. My client, Diana, from Milkbar Breast Pumps, she ran a launch themed around breastfeeding awareness week last year that went off really, really well. They had Chrissy Teigen or Tegan, I never know how to say her last name. She was involved. That really blew things up a little bit for their brand. My client, Colleen, from Ride Proud, which is a brand of horse riding clothing, she did a recent product launch with the theme back in the saddle. She was able to really take that theme, back in the saddle, through all of the content and within the marketing, so that worked very well.
All right, next step is to prepare your marketing assets. Once you’ve decided on your theme, the next thing we need to do is to prepare your marketing assets. First thing first, in preparation for your launch, I strongly recommend launch or big promotional campaign. I really strongly recommend that you start list building early. Your email list. How can you entice people onto your email list? You really want to pick their interest about your upcoming launch. One of the best ways to do this is to use a giveaway as an email list builder because this does double as an excellent way to generate a lot of hype and excitement and demand for new products as well or for your promotion.
I’m not going to go into detail about running giveaways here, you can check out my podcast episode number 17 on how to run a successful giveaway. Photography, you absolutely must think about your images. If it is a product launch and you’re launching a new product to market and you are the brand owner you really need to do a professional photo shoot. Yes, I know that this is an investment but it really is essential to the success of growing your business and really getting very successful with your product launches and campaigns. I’m talking about a styled photo shoot here not simple product shots on white background that you might use for a website. You need those as well but that’s not really… That’s not what I’m talking about here for your marketing campaign.
You want photos that are going to position your brand and communicate your product value statement. Really tell the stories, the storytelling. Once you’ve got your theme, the visuals is going to be one of the best ways to communicate those stories and that theme with your audience. The images will be what really ties together all of the different marketing elements as well because you’re going to be using them everywhere. You’ll be using them on your website, in your emails, on social media. If you’re working with… Collaborating with anyone else, they will be using the images as well.
If you are brand new or early days in your business and you really, really, really just do not have budget for this, you need to put it in your plan to work towards being able to do this step. In the meantime, you want to try and find maybe a student photographer or a Instagrammer who has the kind of photography style that really suits your brand and the look and feel of your brand. It’s no good trying to create your own style brand images, working with lots of different photographers who have very different styles because then it becomes very disjointed and really waters down the impact of your brand.
Try and find somebody who can do it for you either for very cheap or for product initially and get yourself to the point where you can afford to take the step to invest in your own professional photographer. I can tell you hands down that in my own business journey, when I invested in professional photography, it was a big kick up for our growth, huge. So super, super important. If you are a retailer and you’re selling other people’s products, hopefully your suppliers will have done this step. If they haven’t, you might need to start investing in this step yourself. You might need to take it in the same step by step process from working with an influencer or a student photographer initially to then investing in your own professional photography.
All right, next asset you need to get in line is your website. Once you’ve got your images, plus you know what your irresistible offer is, then obviously it’s going to be time to load all of that onto your website. There’s two thoughts as to when to launch that on your website. If you’re going to be doing a giveaway in advance, it’s worth putting them live so that people can see what it is. Obviously, they’re not available to purchase yet but people can see them and start getting a little bit emotionally attached to them so they really want them. But if you’re not going to be doing a giveaway, then maybe don’t send them live on your website until you are ready to sell.
Emails is the next marketing asset that you need to think about and prepare. Email marketing is an absolute essential component of your launch. You want to write these in advance and be prepared to send more emails than probably feels comfortable. You want to be sending some launch emails, pre launch emails rather, to your email list prior to the launch. Then you you’re going to send a launch announcement with the initial bundle offer or whatever your irresistible offer is. Then you’re going to send several subsequent emails detailing any additional bonuses or perks or just keeping the story going and Keeping inviting people to pre order and also keep people informed of when to expect delivery and all of the nuts and bolts stuff.
Then final emails right at the end before the pre-order is going to finish. You really want to drive home the scarcity as well at that point. PR is the next marketing asset you want to think about. If you’ve been able to organize enough samples in advance, then you could line up some PR or some bloggers or influencers to coordinate with your launch. This means you’ll need to also have photography really at that point as well, especially if you’re going to be reaching out to magazine editors. Advertising as well. Paid ads, my favorite of course being Facebook advertising is definitely essential with your launch. If you’ve already got the beautiful images, you may have actually done some little video as well when you’re doing your photo shoot.
That’s entirely up to you of course, but you want to schedule your ads to start and stop at the right time so that you are communicating the pre order offer, the launch offer or in advance of that if you’re doing the giveaway of course. But launching the offer and then towards the end of the pre order period, really changing up that advertising messaging so that it’s about the scarcity. You’ve got to get in quick because this is going to finish up. Once you’ve got all of your assets prepared, it’s time to implement. You’ve got your timeline, you’ve planned everything out and you’ve prepared all of your marketing assets, then once you’ve got all of that done, implementation becomes pretty easy because you’ve already done all the hard work and now you get to sit back and just watch the sales roll in.
All right, so that’s been a big episode. Hopefully, you have got some good value out of that and you’ve taken some notes. Don’t forget that on the podcast episode show notes page, I will put the link where you can go and download your free copy of my promotional campaign and product launch guide and planning template. If you want to plan out your pre order campaign or whatever product launch or promotional campaign you have coming up, you can use that template to plan out each of those steps for yourself. Give yourself the best chance of success. Plan your product launch or promotional campaign before you hit the Go button.
Don’t fly by the seat of your pants and don’t launch on a wing and a prayer because building a business and a brand is a little bit like playing chess. You got to be a little bit strategic and be prepared. That’s it for me for this episode. Next week, I’m super excited to welcome a guest back onto the show and she has been very successful at building a multi seven figure brand online E-commerce. Look out for that episode, it’s going to be fabulous and I will be in your ears then. Bye for now.