Today – as I’m recording this episode – we have precisely 15 days left till Christmas. And obviously less than that for any orders that need to be delivered before then.
Which means that the holiday countdown is officially on! And despite the fact that we’re all feeling exhausted post-Black Friday madness, we gotta dig deep and keep going for a few more days. Now’s the time to make sure your brand is ready to spread some festive cheer and capture those last-minute shoppers.
My two sons who are competitive swimmers have also just started what they call “hell week” – double training sessions a day plus gym – and it’s hard and intense, but the rewards in terms of improved performance make it all worthwhile!
So today, let’s keep it super practical again. One of the quickest needle-movers in an eCommerce business is always your paid traffic. So I’m going to share with you 10 things that are working literally right now in terms of Meta and Google ads, and hopefully this will help you to maximise your traffic and sales results over the next week and a half…
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If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.
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