There’s not a lot of information available that explains how to become a retail stockist or reseller of other brands.
How do you go about approaching brands?
What do they look for in a retail stockist?
How do you do a good job of being a stockist?
Often, if you’re new in your eCommerce business, you’ll start approaching your favourite brands that you want to stock and receive a lot of knock-backs.
It’s not uncommon to be told things like, ‘we only take brick and mortar stores’, or ‘we aren’t taking on anymore online stores’.
Sometimes that’s a genuine situation, as brands want to take care of their existing retail stockists and if your online store looks very similar to another one then they might perceive it to be a conflict of interest. Or, they might simply not have manufactured enough stock to be able to supply a new retailer just yet.
And sometimes it might be something they say to let you down gently if they don’t think you’re a good fit for their brand.
And if that’s the case, then listen in as we discuss some strategies for winning them over and approving you as a new stockist.
Here’s what I cover in this episode:
- The bare bones basics you need to have in place before approaching brands you want to stock;
- How to identify your business’ unique point of difference, and why that’s important;
- How to decide which brands to approach;
- What brands will look for in a retail stockist;
- And much, much more…
Next, be sure to head to our Rockstar Productpreneur community to ask your #askcatherine questions! I can’t wait to hear them.
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Links mentioned in this episode:
Free 5-Day Ecommerce Business Booster Course
“How To Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition” free template download
“Promotional Campaign Planning Guide & Template” free bundle download
Podcast episode 19, “How to identify your most profitable customers”
Podcast episode 15, “How to build an audience of raving fans”
Free Rockstar Productpreneur community