There’s a dilemma that a lot of entrepreneurs find themselves in as they try to launch and grow their business. 

Entrepreneur wants to grow their business but they don’t know how. They buy a course and spend hours upon hours trying to learn everything and implement it all in their business themselves. 

Entrepreneur gets very busy and does see some growth and improvement, but then those results plateau. 

Entrepreneur then thinks those strategies didn’t work, so they go looking for some other silver bullet strategy. So they spend more hours learning and implementing. 

Meanwhile, their business growth remains sluggish. Now, they don’t know if their business sucks or if they are just incompetent. 

They go hunting again…

But the real problem is that, at any one time, they only have half of the sales growth equation in play.

The equation is: speed of execution + tactical precision = sales growth.

Moving too fast without a well thought-out strategy will lead your business somewhere, but not necessarily where you want it to go. 

Whereas precise strategic planning alone without speed of execution is like a handbrake on your growth, because you prolong the time it takes to actually realise the results.

So today on the show, we’re going to talk about how to have both speed and precision so that you can produce the best results possible for your business.

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