Simple website navigation fixes that boost your conversion rate

One of the most critical elements of a high converting eCommerce website is the navigation. We know, statistically, that providing customers with a great website user experience is hugely impactful on conversions. With an intuitive navigation, your customers can quickly find what they’re looking for. Additionally, with more than 70% of website visitors now on mobile devices, the navigation becomes even more critical. We have such a small amount of real estate on a mobile device screen, so the way we design our navigation plays an even bigger role. Plus, if you include all the right design and interactive elements you’ll give them nice little hits of dopamine as they successfully navigate on your site, and you’ll find your conversion rate will go up significantly. In this episode, we go through the most common mistakes we see eCommerce businesses make all the time with their navigation, as well as her top tips for getting this critical component of your website right. So by the end of the episode, you will have several steps you can take and implement immediately on your own website.

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