In today’s episode, we’re going to cover 5 of THE most important factors in your Ecommerce success.
So if you’ve been feeling a bit lost or overwhelmed in your business, or just like you’re stabbing around in the dark trying to figure out what works, then this episode is for you!
Whether you’re brand new in business, or you’ve been going for a while, don’t you just wish someone would give you a guide? A roadmap that tells you exactly what you need to do in order to achieve success?
I know I used to feel like that sometimes. Not when things were going along swimmingly – you know, sometimes things just seem to flow easily and you’re kicking goals without really trying that hard.
But the other times. The times when everything seems to go wrong and hurdles crop up left, right and centre. Those times, I wished I had a ‘how to’ guide, or a magic wand perhaps…
I think being a business owner is sometimes a bit like being a parent to a new baby. You absolutely adore your business (or baby) but, like a newborn baby, your business can’t exactly tell you what it needs. And there’s never a ‘right’ way to do it – every business, just like every baby, is unique.
That said, just like a baby needs milk, sleep and lots of love and cuddles…
Here are the inputs to my product-based business that I believe, in hindsight, had the most significant effects in terms of my own growth and sales success and what I see as the key ingredients to my clients and students’ successes.
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