It seems everywhere I turn lately, I see small business owners struggling with a drop in sales, both online and offline.

Is it interest rate rises? Is it inflation? Is it because of end of financial year?

Clearly businesses are hurting. The stress and anxiety is almost tangible.

And trust me when I tell you, I totally know how this feels because I’ve been there too, many times.

But if you focus on those things, I guarantee you’ll struggle.

So where do we go from here? 

If you’re feeling stressed and anxious over low, slow (or no) sales growth… 

Or completely overwhelmed by all the options available and the decisions you need to make…

You’re in the right place, my friend. This episode is for you! 

In today’s episode Make Millions With Magic Metrics, we discuss the importance of understanding those ‘Magic Metrics’ of yours. 

To put it bluntly, your marketing metrics are critically important to the success of your business. No doubt about it. 

So If you don’t know these numbers intimately – or how you can optimise or improve them – then it’s time to make it your business to learn this stuff.

So pull up a pew and tune in as I share the 5 critical metrics you absolutely need to know AND how to improve them in order to grow and achieve your sales goals!

Links mentioned in this episode:

 If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2023 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

Next, be sure to head to our Rockstar Productpreneur community to ask your #askcatherine questions! I can’t wait to hear them.


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