It’s been over two weeks since the epic Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend of 2022 and I hope you’ve managed to catch your breath!
How did the major promo weekend of the year work for you and your brand? Have you had a time to review your results and gather information on what worked and what didn’t? Did you achieve the results you wanted to achieve?
As a solo business owner you may be wondering how everyone else performed. And today I’m going to share that with you!
In this episode, I’m going to talk through some of the results that our clients enjoyed over the Black Friday promotional period, or more importantly to share our insights into those results.
Specifically, what worked really well, what didn’t work so well, and what kind of results did our clients achieve as a result of the specific strategies used.
Overall, I can say that it was a huge success, which was welcome news for everyone after the year that’s been. In fact, this promo was so good that some of our clients surpassed 2021’s sales and many of our clients were still packing BF orders for a week after the event ended…
So how did we do that? What I’m going to do in this episode is first share some insights about the overall strategy and what the results were, and then I’ll go through platform-specific insights and results.
Listen today to discover the strategies that were super successful in the 2022 Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotions.
Listen now or watch below.
Next, be sure to head to our Rockstar Productpreneur community to ask your #askcatherine questions! I can’t wait to hear them.
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