From Sleepless Nights to A Global Brand, The Baby Loves Sleep Journey

Today’s interview is with friend and client, Malou founder of Baby Loves Sleep. And like myself and so many of you, Malou was inspired to create her first product, a baby sleeping bag, because of a problem she experienced in her own life.

Her son was kinda the opposite of Malou’s brand name, because that baby did not like to sleep! 

But rather than continue to exist like a sleepless zombie, Malou decided to do something about it and created a sleep suit that was like a miracle cure.

And whilst giving parents and babies the gift of a good night’s sleep does sound like the kind of miracle cure that would become an instant hit, and whilst she has gone on to create a thriving business both here in Australia and internationally, it’s not like it was all smooth sailing along the way!

So today I welcome her to the show and we’re going to talk about the successes she’s enjoyed as well as some of the incredibly difficult hurdles she’s had to overcome on her journey.

Listen to the podcast as Malou shares her incredible journey from sleepless nights to building an international online business. 

She’s grown from a sleepless Mumma to a brand sold around the world and I know you’ll be as inspired as I was. 

Listen now or watch below.

Next, be sure to head to our Rockstar Productpreneur community to ask your #askcatherine questions! I can’t wait to hear them.

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Links mentioned in this episode:

Find Malou and Baby Loves Sleep at:

Baby Loves Sleep Australia Website

Instagram @babylovessleep

Facebook @babylovessleep

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From Sleepless Nights to A Global Brand, The Baby Loves Sleep Journey