Podcast Interview with Tanya Boots

Have you ever felt a bit overwhelmed by all the things you should be doing in your business but not knowing which things are the most important to get done or unsure if you’re spending time on the right activities that will actually help you grow? 

Or maybe you’re unsure about what direction to take your business in or what you want to achieve.

If this is you, then I really want you to tune into today’s episode.

Today on the show I’m joined by Tanya Boots from Inspirational Tea Co, a brand with purpose, designed to uplift and inspire and share love and kindness in the world. 

But whilst building her business, Tanya has also been on a journey of finding balance and sustainability in the way she runs her business, so she can stay the course over the long term. 

In our conversation today, she shares some of the challenges she’s faced and the lessons she’s learned the hard way that have ultimately helped her become more focused on what is most important in her business and her life.

With such a clear vision of what she wants from life and business, the overwhelm drops away as she is able to take action on only what will support that lifestyle and her values.

And in turn she now operates a much more sustainable business – both financially and in the way she works personally so she can maintain her energy and passion for her personal life and her business.

And who wouldn’t want to operate like that? 

Listen today as Tanya shares her journey of creating a brand that supports her vision for the lifestyle she desires.

Listen now or watch below.

Next, be sure to head to our Rockstar Productpreneur community to ask your #askcatherine questions! I can’t wait to hear them.

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Links mentioned in this episode:

Find Tanya Boots and Inspirationa Tea Co. and discover her beautiful tea gifts and hampers at:

Inspirational Tea Co. Website

Instagram @inspirationalteaco

Facebook @theinspirationalteaco

FREE DOWNLOAD: Rock your growth goals for your eCommerce brand with my Ultimate Ecommerce Marketing Planning Guide to create a simple but effective marketing plan in just 5 steps.

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