Create Your 12 Month SEO Content Plan With Karen Mapperson

A couple of weeks ago, we shared the first in a two-episode series on SEO – search engine optimisation, and I was joined by Karen who is one of the experts from my team.

In that episode, we talked through the initial foundational steps we should be taking when it comes to optimising our websites for Google.

And all of those tweaks and changes to your website can be very effective to start increasing the volume of free organic search traffic you receive.

But, there is more that you can do on an ongoing basis. And in fact, to get the best long-term results for your business, you do want to have an ongoing strategy for SEO. 

Google loves to see old content refreshed as well as new content published. But we want to approach this in a strategic way so that (A) you can manage your time and not feel overwhelmed by the task, and (B), get the best return on effort. 

So on today’s episode, Karen joins me again for part 2 on SEO for eCommerce and today we’re going to focus on what business owners need to be looking at when creating their SEO strategy this year and planning your SEO content for 2022.

Listen today and start creating your 12 month plan to increase your organic traffic with strategic SEO – and grab your free SEO tracking template! 

Next, be sure to head to our Rockstar Productpreneur community to ask your #askcatherine questions! I can’t wait to hear them.

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Links mentioned in this episode:

Your FREE SEO Tracking Template

Google Search Console

Keyword Research and Tracking: Ubersuggest and SemRush

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Create Your 12 Month SEO Content Plan With Karen Mapperson