5 Tips To Make More Money From Klaviyo

Today we’re going to be talking about how to make more money using one of my most favourite eCommerce tools, Klaviyo. 

Klaviyo is the leading email marketing software for online brands, but I know for many business owners that getting behind the driving wheel of Klaviyo can be overwhelming. So many options! What should I be doing?

So I sat down with Narelle Spencer, one of my top Account Managers, to talk through the questions we see all the time when it comes to setting up Klaviyo. 

Questions like:

How many lists should I be creating?

Which of the many automated email options are going to work for my business?

What type of content should I be sharing in my emails? 

How long should I keep people on my list? How can I re-engage with my email list?

I’m moving over to Klaviyo, how do I warm up my audience to prevent ending up in spam?

We dive into all these questions and so much more! 

Listen today to start getting the most out of Klaviyo and making more money in our business.

Next, be sure to head to our Rockstar Productpreneur community to ask your #askcatherine questions! I can’t wait to hear them.

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5 Tips To Make More Money From Klaviyo